Your toddler is making great developmental strides, and we are here to help!

Program Goals for Toddlers

  • Atmosphere

    To Provide a loving, caring atmosphere where physical affection is freely given

  • Self-Image

    To promote in each child a feeling of independence and a positive self-image.

  • Attitude

    To teach with a joyful, enthusiastic and natural attitude toward the children.

  • Language

    To provide for the encouragement of language development

  • Respect Equipment

    To lay the groundwork for respect of equipment through example, illustrating how to respect equipment.

  • Respect for Others

    To lay the groundwork for respect of others.

  • Materials

    To have accessible a variety of materials such as manipulatives, pull toys, dramatic play, props etc. at the child’s level.

  • Self-Help

    To promote self-help skills that build independence and self-confidence. This may include toilet training, dressing themselves and helping at meal time.

  • Small Groups

    To work in small groups, in order to give more one-on-one attention, to prevent under or over stimulation in a more relaxed area, and to give more freedom of choice.

  • Spiritual Growth

    To nurture spiritual growth by using blessings at meals, daily Bible stories, songs and fingerplays about our salvation through Christ and God’s love for each of the children.