Our infant childcare program emphasizes a warm, nurturing and safe environment.

Program Goals for Infants

  • Cosistency and Communication

    To provide consistency between the Academy and home care practices that will benefit the infants and allow the parents an opportunity to shape the type of care their child receives. And to communicate with parents with tact, honesty, and discretion.

  • Affection

    To provide the loving care and affection so necessary for an infant’s development so that each child will know that he/she is a special person created by God.

  • Physical Needs

    To provide, in every way possible, for the infant’s physical needs.

  • Activate the Senses

    To plan activities which activate the senses, because infants learn through the five senses.

  • Activities

    To provide a variety of daily activities which allow for the exploration, learning, and social interaction.

  • Motor Skills

    To provide activities which give the opportunity for the use of large and small motor skills, both indoors and outdoors.

  • Safe Environment

    To provide a safe and developmentally appropriate environment.

  • Sanitation

    To conscientiously follow all state and required sanitation procedures.